For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a…

A few months ago, I was having a conversation with a clergywoman who was visiting our church. She is starting a new United Methodist Church…

On this Holy Saturday, we are sharing a few of the sermons from the last month of Lent, during which we have been focusing on…

On this Holy Saturday, we are sharing a few of the sermons from the last month of Lent, during which we have been focusing on…

When I think about wilderness, I now think of Georgia. And I think of the zombie apocalypse. One of my favorite shows is “The Walking…

Recently I found myself in a funk. A bad mood. A bleh. Everything was annoying. Everything was maddening. Everything was the end of the world….

On Sunday, our worship chair, Katie Reimer, led a Bible study to discern our theme for Lent. The group studied several of the scriptures for…

Last week you probably didn’t hear from me. I was making a long, remote pilgrimage into the snowy Catskills to meet our new bishop, Bishop…

There is this magical moment in conversation when the opportunity arises to transition from surface level chit chat to talking about things of significance. Someone…

A clergy friend of mine asked me recently if I get much spiritually out of the season of Advent (the four weeks leading up to…