I have started attending a yoga class with a teacher named Tracye who is part yogi, part motivational speaker/preacher. I’m not sure I always agree…

Yesterday, I stumbled upon a story about Shia women and girls in Baghdad training to use AK-47’s. With the men of their families gone to…

My husband and I have moved around a lot in recent years, and each move has involved a pretty major purge of possessions. Every time,…

I didn’t grow up in the kind of household where we all sat down to eat together, holding hands, and saying grace. At dinner time,…

As some of you know, one of my Lenten disciplines is to go to a Buddhist meditation group once a week. This week, after meditation,…

Sometimes I am confounded when visitors come to the church once or twice and then they disappear, only to reappear months later. I’m always surprised…