On this Holy Saturday, we are sharing a few of the sermons from the last month of Lent, during which we have been focusing on…

On this Holy Saturday, we are sharing a few of the sermons from the last month of Lent, during which we have been focusing on…

When I think about wilderness, I now think of Georgia. And I think of the zombie apocalypse. One of my favorite shows is “The Walking…

Recently I found myself in a funk. A bad mood. A bleh. Everything was annoying. Everything was maddening. Everything was the end of the world….

Someone told me yesterday that their boss had a baby last week. My reaction to the news of people having babies used to be, “Oh!…

Melissa, the chair of our Blue Ribbon (Visioning) Committee is always using the phrase “Real Talk”. It’s kind of an “Amen”-like feedback phrase that rewards…

Silence. Silence. A sheering, deafening silence. Deep silence, one so deep so as to sub-scend (opposite of transcend) to an unimaginable place below an African-American spiritual…

One of the worst moments in my life was the first time I suffered from short-term depression. Many of us know that the first time…

I think it would be nice to start the day with a story. A love story. It begins once upon a time in the West…

On Monday night, my husband played guitar for a worship service at a Presbyterian church that is especially affirming of the LGBT community. The service…