Over the 4th of July holiday, I was with a family member who lives in Washington, D.C. I asked her what it was like in…

Yesterday, I stumbled upon a story about Shia women and girls in Baghdad training to use AK-47’s. With the men of their families gone to…

I have a pretty raw blister on my left pinky toe right now. It is my battle wound from making the long trek out to…

As a new mother-priest, I am finding that I have to actively restrain myself from talking and writing constantly about my daughter, since she is…

I have heard it said that becoming a parent radically changes your perspective on life. I have found that to be absolutely true. It began…

My husband and I have moved around a lot in recent years, and each move has involved a pretty major purge of possessions. Every time,…

I preached the following sermon at Yale Divinity School’s Lunar New Year worship service at Marquand Chapel on January 31, 2014. “Gōngxǐ Fācái!” A Mandarin…

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? I Corinthians 3:16 Yesterday morning, I read a blog…

I have been thinking lately about our worship theme this month: “Welcome Home”. This is the last line of our new mission statement. When these…